#smilewithconfidence Having dental x-rays done is a great tool to help the dentist detect any damage or disease that is not visible during a regular dental exam. How often you need x-rays will depend on what your present oral health is like, your age, your risk for disease, and if there are any signs or symptoms of oral disease. Children may require x-rays more often than adults simply because their teeth and jaws are still developing and their teeth are more likely to be affected by tooth decay than those of adults. Best Dental Care in Queen Creek AZ
Your dentist will want to review your history with you before anything and also exam your mouth before deciding whether or not you need x-rays.
If you are a new patient, x-rays may be recommended to help determine your present dental status. The x-ray will serve as a baseline to help identify any changes that may occur later. If your previous dentist has any x-rays, it is good to send them to your new dentist. Just simply ask them to forward your x-rays. Best Dental Care in Queen Creek AZ
Dental x-rays are safe but do require a very low level of radiation exposure. The risk of any potential harmful effects is very small. There are dental x-ray tools and techniques used to limit the body’s exposure to radiation. #martindental Every precaution is taken to ensure that radiation exposure is As Low As Reasonable Achievable (ALARA principle). Leaded aprons as well as a leaded thyroid collar can be used to protect your body.