
Decay and Dental Fillings. Mesa Affordable Kids Dentist

Wear and tear on teeth's enamel can begin in early childhood. Something that seems like a little problem might suddenly become a major one. It might be problematic when youngsters have a full set of their second molars so early in life.

To keep their kids happy, many parents give in to their demands for sugary drinks and snacks, but this is not the greatest solution.

The erosion of children's teeth is a concern for parents who live in Mesa, Arizona, who may want to consult with a local kids dentist about available treatment options. If you want to know more about the subject, read on.


Tooth Erosion and Affordable Dental Fillings in Kids

Enamel is a hard substance that covers the crown of every tooth. As a result of the coating, sugar and acid can no longer penetrate the tooth and cause damage.

Features of tooth enamel that a pediatric dentist works to protect include:


  • In contrast, even the thickest enamel is only a few millimeters thick.
  • It can be many shades of blue, white, and gray.
  • All other tissues in the human body are softer than this.


Younger children, however, have the additional disadvantage that they will never grow back. In other words, while a dentist in Mesa, Arizona, can treat chips and cracks, this part of the tooth will never grow back.


Loss of Tooth Enamel Leads to Affordable Dental Fillings

The main offender is the acid in your mouth. When left untreated, it gradually erodes the tooth's protective enamel, making it more susceptible to cavities.

The acid in the mouth can arise from a variety of sources.

  • Genetics - parents can pass down this trait.
  • Bruxism - grinding of teeth.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Acid Reflux, and more.


Mesa Affordable Dentist Treats Main Causes of Tooth Decay?

A pediatric dentist in Mesa, Arizona, will try to inform parents about the factors contributing to their child's tooth decay. But unfortunately, they are not concerned, even though the family dentist can perform fillings and extractions.

The following is a synopsis of the leading causes. First, while you drink, the sugar and bacteria in your mouth react to form an acid that erodes your teeth. Fruit juices are highly acidic and sugary, although they're not nearly as bad as lemonade.

Even though they improve the flavor of food, sugar additives are unhealthy. For example, chewing sugary foods, like candy, is terrible for your teeth because they adhere to the enamel. Likewise, carbohydrate-rich meals like chips, bread, and crackers can ferment into acid when they get stuck in the mouth, making them just as dangerous as table sugar.


Stop Tooth Decay with Mesa, AZ Kids Dentist

If your youngster is significantly afflicted by erosion or cavities, you must take them to your local dentist.

To be sure you have the right dentist on your team, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team.

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