
Extracting Teeth to Improve Chandler, AZ Dental Hygiene

It is rare for any individual to go through life without having problems with their teeth. What makes things worse is that many individuals only to find they have issues when they visit their local Chandler, AZ dental clinic. For many individuals, pulling a tooth out is the worst, as this can affect your smile with confidence, or the thought of pain can be off-putting.

The best Chandler, AZ dental specialist will try his hardest to save your teeth, yet you ought to understand what happens when there is no option but to extract your teeth.


What is a Tooth Extraction?

Extraction merely means removing the tooth.  This typically occurs because of illness, trauma, or overcrowding.  If removal is required, the local affordable Chandler AZ dentist will numb the area to reduce the discomfort that you feel. In most cases, slight bleeding is normal after they pull the tooth.

Once the extraction is done, you will receive instructions on how to proceed from your local dentist to promote your dental care. The hole will gradually fill the bone where the tooth sat, and the bleeding stops as the blood clots.


Tooth Extraction Advice from Chandler, AZ Dentist for Speedy Recovery

Here are some easy recovery steps:

  • Prevent anything that can prevent your body from healing normally, such as cut out any smoking or tobacco products.
  • Do not rinse mouth vigorously when cleaning teeth.
  • Avoid using straws during the first 24 hours.
  • If you experience any swelling, use a cold cloth or ice bag and consult your local dentist right away. 
  • Take a pain reliever to help with the pain.


Your Chandler, AZ dentist, will advise on which to take and how often.  You may brush and floss as usual, but not near where the tooth was extracted.


Finding Relaxing Dentist, Chandler, AZ for Tooth Extraction

It is critical to remember that the extraction, by use of modern procedures and post-operative dental care, is available for your benefit and comfort, and not to cause any pain or suffering.

To find out more, you can contact Martin Dental, your local tooth extraction specialist here, or you can quickly fill out the form below, and one of the expert’s best dental care teams will be back in touch to go through everything with you about your dental care requirements in Chandler, AZ.

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