So, what can be said about how long All-on-4 dental implants will last beyond the 10 year period? First, looking at other studies of dental implants is necessary. These type of studies how that about 60% of dental implant failures will occur during the first year. #smilewithconfidence After this period is over, failures are less frequent. If someone experiences one dental implant, they are much more likely to experience another. Most causes of implant failure are systemic to the mouth. With that knowledge, if a patients implant survives 10 years, the likelihood is that it will survive 15 or even 20 years. Studies are indicating that about 93% of implants are still in place after 17 years.
Conditions need to be right for all-on-4 dental implants to survive and continue surviving. A dental implant will usually show warning signs of possible failure like loss of bone and receding gums around the implant. With all on 4 implants, the bones will remain healthy and the gums are stable. This makes the implant more likely to last 20 years.
You don’t want to rely on your implant denture to just last because of statistics. You have the power to determine the success of your implant in most cases. Here are somethings you can do:
Choose the Right Dentist: What dentist you choose for your implant procedure is key. Make sure they are certified as an All-on-4 provider and they have a lot of experience performing this type of restoration. Gilbert AZ All on 4 Dental Implants
Proper Maintenance: Just like your natural teeth, it is important to take care of your dental implants and dentures. Brush 2 times a day and make sure to clean around the implant. Don’t skip out on your regular dental checkups. This will help your dentist identify any potential problems before they become to critical.
Gilbert AZ All on 4 Dental Implants Health: Oral health and your overall health are integrated. Your dental implant functioning well will be dependent on your health. You need the proper nutrition for remain healthy. Your bones will also depend on regular stimulation to grow and maintain their density. Avoid just a diet of soft processed foods. Make sure to eat a wide range of fresh, nutritious foods. #martindental And you need sun. Your bones will depend on vitamin D. Your body produces this in response to the sun. Exercise is also crucial. This improves circulation which keeps your bones healthy.