Dental veneers, also known as dental porcelain laminates, are little porcelain shells bonded over teeth' fronts to give them a more appealing and natural appearance.
Porcelain veneers can treat uneven teeth, chipped, worn down, discolored, misaligned, or unusual spacing.
Porcelain veneers can enhance features like color, form, size, alignment, and spacing. The total operation can take three appointments, depending on the patient. The procedure entails diagnosis, treatment planning, getting ready, and bonding. Here you can find more about how your Gold Canyon cosmetic dentist carries out the treatment.
What Do Dental Veneers Do for Me?
Your active participation is crucial at the initial appointment. Talk to your local affordable dentist about your oral issues and what you hope will happen. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth during the visit to determine if porcelain veneers are a good option for you.
They will also go through all the procedures and any drawbacks. Your affordable dentist will then remove a small portion of the tooth's surface to place the veneer. Finally, your teeth are captured in an impression and transported to the dental laboratory.
Your Gold Canyon dentist typically needs 1-2 weeks to get the veneers from the dental laboratory. The teeth are then covered with porcelain veneers. Finally, resin cement is used to attach the shells to the teeth.
Dental Veneer Treatment From Gold Canyon Dentist
Before permanently applying porcelain veneers, your cosmetic dentist will temporarily install shells on your teeth to assess their color, shape, and fit. Your teeth must then be cleaned and ready to receive the veneers.
Each tooth will undergo cleaning, polishing, and etching. Next, your veneer is coated with specialized cement before bonding to your tooth. After the veneer has been correctly positioned on your tooth, it is exposed to a specific light beam that causes it to harden or cure swiftly.
After checking your bite and making any necessary final modifications to the veneer, the excess cement is scraped off.
To monitor how your gums are responding to your veneers and to reevaluate the placement of your veneers, your cosmetic dentist might ask you to return for a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks.
Get Help From A Top Gold Canyon Affordable Dentist Now!
Are you dissatisfied with the way your front teeth look? Make an appointment with Martin Dental Office to schedule a consultation and meet the dentist. Then, with the help of our dental veneers, you could have the smile of your dreams.
If you want to find out more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team. Please read what others have to say about our services.