
Why Is Calcium Vital for Teeth? Chandler Affordable Dentist

Why Is Calcium Vital for Teeth? Chandler Affordable Dentist

Calcium plays a vital role in cell function and overall health. Hydroxyapatite is an inorganic crystal composed of calcium and phosphorus typically found in bone tissue.

Contrary to popular belief, teeth do not contain nearly as much calcium as bones. Instead, teeth have very little calcium and lack collagen, an expanding protein found in bones.

Comparatively speaking, teeth do not regrow, but osteoblasts can regenerate bone.

Read on to learn more about your affordable dentist in Chandler and the calcium deposits that protect your teeth.


Dental Professionals in Chandler Help Defend Teeth

Dental crowns are crafted from enamel, the hardest tissue in the human body. Carbonate ions of strontium, magnesium, lead, and fluoride are incorporated into the hydroxyapatite crystals that make up your teeth.

Because of its solubility in the absence of calcium, hydroxyapatite is a byproduct of calcium deficiency. So, it's safe to assume that teeth contain some calcium. Calcium, however, is beneficial to the mineral composition of teeth and is thus necessary for healthy teeth.


When it comes to teeth, why is pH so important?

The demineralization and remineralization of teeth are pH- and food-dependent. In the range of zero to fourteen, the pH at which enamel demineralization begins is 5.5. The average pH of a cup of coffee is 5. Milk and cream, which are high in calcium, can reduce acidity.

After this point, neither saliva nor plaque fluid can take in any more calcium or phosphate. When this happens, hydroxyapatite in the enamel deteriorates. Cavities form when the enamel wears away.

Saliva helps the teeth remineralize by neutralizing acids and raising the surface pH. In addition, having a diet low in fermentable sugars and using fluoride toothpaste twice a day will help restore mineral balance in the body.


Affordable Dentist in Chandler Breaks Down the Best Sources of Calcium

Unfortunately, many Americans do not consume the recommended 1,000–1,200 milligrams of calcium daily, despite the widespread availability of calcium-rich foods and calcium-fortified options.

Calcium-rich foods are well-known to us. Even if a food item is labeled as "high in calcium," that doesn't guarantee that your body will absorb and use that calcium. Calcium's bioavailability in the diet varies.

Each serving provides at least 30 mg of absorbable calcium. But unfortunately, only a fraction of the calcium in food makes it into the bloodstream. What you eat, how old you are, and how your body works all play a role in this.


Where Can I Go in Chandler for Calcium-Related Dental Care?

The value of maintaining regular routines of oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, is common knowledge. But, unfortunately, their teeth aren't perfect. So all that matters is that you are generally healthy and eat well.

Getting enough calcium and cutting back on sugary foods are just two ways to reduce the number of times you need the dentist. Once every six months is the minimum amount of time off everyone should take to travel. Talk to your doctor or dentist before taking any supplements if you are currently taking any medications.

If you wish to learn more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team.

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