
Dental Implants Near Me Queen Creek AZ

Dental Implants Near Me Queen Creek AZ  Dental Implants are a great option if you have a tooth that just can't last.  Often a tooth that has had a root canal and crown and still...

San Tan Valley Dentist located Near Me AZ

San Tan Valley Dentist located Near Me AZ  Do you know if the way you are brushing is the right way?  Brushing your teeth the wrong way and with the wrong kind of toothbrush can mean that...

San Tan Valley Best Dentist Around Me AZ

San Tan Valley Best Dentist Around Me AZ  Tooth Sensitivity affects many people, adult and children.  Do you know what causes it?  There are several things that cause tooth...

Queen Creek Dentist located near me AZ

Queen Creek Dentist located near me AZ  Brushing is a MUST if you want to have healthy teeth.  But brushing alone will not keep your teeth cavity free.  Flossing every day will remove...

Best Dental Care in San Tan Valley AZ

Best Dental Care in San Tan Valley AZ  X-rays tell a lot about your teeth.  They help the dentist to see what is going on beneath the surface.  X-rays should be done yearly at...

Queen Creek AZ Dental Veneers

Queen Creek AZ Dental Veneers Thinking of improving your smile?  Maybe you have a crooked tooth, gaps, or dull/yellow teeth.  Veneers are a great way to improve your smile!  They...

Dental Health San Tan Valley AZ

Dental Health San Tan Valley AZ  Brushing and Flossing will keep your teeth healthy and bright.  But sometimes that's not enough for you to feel good about the color of your...

San Tan Valley AZ Best Dentist Around Me

San Tan Valley AZ Best Dentist Around Me  Fluoride is a must for your teeth.  Most communities have fluoride in their water, but not all!  And if you are drinking bottled water, there...

San Tan Valley AZ Dentist Around Me

San Tan Valley AZ Dentist Around Me  We all should be brushing our teeth.......but here's the kicker, we all should be brushing them THE RIGHT way!  Yes! #martindental There is a right...

Best Dental Care near Me San Tan Valley AZ

Best Dental Care near Me San Tan Valley AZ  Deep cleaning the teeth consists of 2 parts.  When scaling is done, all the plaque and tartar will be removed below the gumline....

Queen Creek AZ TMJ Disorder

Queen Creek AZ TMJ Disorder  Bruxism, or what we know as teeth grinding, is common in children and adults.  When children battle with this, chances are they will grow out of it.  When...

Queen Creek AZ Best Dental Care Near Me

Queen Creek AZ Best Dental Care Near Me Did you know that your spit is like gold?  It may not be worth much to you, but to your teeth it is everything!  Saliva plays a huge role in keeping...

Queen Creek AZ Best Dental Care

Queen Creek AZ Best Dental Care  Everyone's teeth has plaque, the sticky film that covers the teeth.  It contributes to tooth decay and gum disease.  Plaque contains bacteria, and...

Best Dental Care San Tan Valley AZ

Best Dental Care San Tan Valley AZ  Have you ever noticed your dental products have an ADA Seal on them?  If so, this is a great thing!  It means you are choosing the best products on...

Oral Cancer Queen Creek AZ

Oral Cancer Queen Creek AZ  Oral Cancer is a big deal.  It affects millions of people.  Did you know that your dentist checks for signs of oral cancer during their routine exam? ...

San Tan Valley Dentures AZ

San Tan Valley Dentures AZ  The average adult between the ages of 20 and 64 has three or more decaying teeth or missing teeth in the mouth.  If you have any missing teeth, they can be...

Jaw Pain San Tan Valley AZ

Jaw Pain San Tan Valley AZ Do you find yourself struggling with pain in your face or jaw?  You are not alone!  This affects millions of people and often goes undiagnosed and treated. ...

Dental Cleaning Queen Creek AZ

Dental Cleaning Queen Creek AZ  Do you struggle with what type of toothbrush to use?  There are so many options to choose from, and really a lot of GREAT options!  At #martindental we...

TMJ Disorder San Tan Valley AZ

TMJ Disorder San Tan Valley AZ  Jaw pain affects millions of Americans.  It can be something simple to diagnose, like teeth grinding or clenching, or it can be TMJ/TMD Disorder. TMJ...

All on 4 Implant San Tan Valley AZ

All on 4 Implant San Tan Valley AZ  So you are missing a tooth (or teeth).  What are your options?  What is the best option for you? All on 4 Implant San Tan Valley AZ What's...

Best Affordable Dental Care Queen Creek AZ

Best Affordable Dental Care Queen Creek AZ Gingivitis, also known as Gum Disease, effects millions of Americans.  The good news, it is treatable, especially during the early stages.  One...

Family Dentist Around Me Queen Creek AZ

Family Dentist Around Me Queen Creek AZ  If you have red, swollen or bleeding gums, chances are you are struggling with the beginning stages of gum disease.  It affects children and...

Affordable Dental Care Near Me Queen Creek AZ

Affordable Dental Care Near Me Queen Creek AZ  Fluoride is a natural-occurring mineral and nature's way of fighting cavities!  It strengthens the enamel, the other surface of the teeth...

San Tan Valley AZ Best Affordable Dentist

San Tan Valley AZ Best Affordable Dentist  Flossing is a great way to clean your teeth and keep them in tip top shape.  Cavities can appear not only on the outer spots of the teeth, but...

Queen Creek AZ Best Affordable Dentist

Queen Creek AZ Best Affordable Dentist  If you aren't flossing, you should start!  Flossing is a necessary part of any good oral health care, yet sometimes people just skip it. ...

Queen Creek Best Affordable Dentist AZ

Queen Creek Best Affordable Dentist AZ  Everyone will lose their teeth......the typical thing is to lose them as children, though!  But there are times in life, where as an adult, a tooth...

Queen Creek Root Canal Therapy AZ

Queen Creek Root Canal Therapy AZ  If you are needing to save a tooth, most likely you are in need of a root canal.  Some dentists' specialize in just this!  This is called...

San Tan Valley Affordable Dental Care Near Me AZ

San Tan Valley Affordable Dental Care Near Me AZ  Some are simply grossed out by spit and saliva.  But did you know that saliva plays a crucial role in your dental health?  Having a...

Queen Creek Affordable Dental Care AZ

Queen Creek Affordable Dental Care AZ  Taking care of your teeth can be overwhelming at times, especially if you fall short in your daily routine.  Another important thing to remember, is...

San Tan Valley Affordable Dental Care AZ

San Tan Valley Affordable Dental Care AZ  Have you ever wondered what all a Dentist can do?  You aren't alone!  Some dentists can perform all types of procedures, while others...

Affordable Dental Care Queen Creek AZ

Affordable Dental Care Queen Creek AZ  Dental Crowns are used to help support a tooth that needs just a bit of extra help.  It can be a smaller tooth or a tooth that has had decay and just...

Queen Creek Dental Care Near Me AZ

Queen Creek Dental Care Near Me AZ  If you are struggling with producing enough saliva in your mouth, try chewing sugarless gum!  Chewing gum can help to stimulate saliva flow, which is...

Dental Care Near Me Queen Creek AZ

Dental Care Near Me Queen Creek AZ  Keeping your mouth healthy is essential if you want to keep your teeth during your lifetime.  One of the BEST ways to keep it in tip top shape, is...

San Tan Valley AZ Dental Care Near Me

San Tan Valley AZ Dental Care Near Me Cavities.....everyone hates them, but almost everyone gets them!  There are things you can incorporate into your dental hygiene routine to keep cavities at...

Dental Care Near Me San Tan Valley AZ

Dental Care Near Me San Tan Valley AZ  If you have gums that are bleeding, swollen or red, you could be suffering from gingivitis.  Gingivitis, also known as gum disease, affects millions...

Best Family Dentist Near Me Queen Creek AZ

Best Family Dentist Near Me Queen Creek AZ  Bad one wants it yet everyone will deal with it at some point!  What causes bad breath?  Sometimes it's something...

Root Canal Therapy Queen Creek AZ

Root Canal Therapy Queen Creek AZ An infected tooth is a serious problem.......and produces some serious pain!  When an infection is present in a tooth, this usually means root canal therapy is...

Queen Creek Dentist AZ

Cosmetic Dentistry no longer includes only things like cavities or root canals.  Having straight teeth is something most people want to have, and there are so many avenues to achieve a straight...