
Will a Chandler, AZ Family Dentist Deliver Toothbrush Tips?



With all the changes in toothbrush technology, it can leave people unsure which is the best for them and their family. Even with regular visits to the dentist, knowing which the best toothbrush is can make all the difference

If you are wondering, will a Chandler, AZ dentist deliver toothbrush tips, read on for some of the things they may say?  

Manual or Powered Toothbrushes. Which is Best  

It is always a discussion about a manual or rechargeable electric toothbrush.  This debate is not needed.  It is enough to brush your teeth twice per day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste! 

Both types of toothbrush may effectively clean your teeth, and the selection is simply a preference.  Some people have more difficulty using a manual toothbrush, and a rechargeable toothbrush is more convenient to use.  Ask your local Chandler, AZ dentist, which type of toothbrush they recommend.

What to Do After Cleaning Your Teeth

Rinse off with water to eliminate toothpaste and food residue.  Store your toothbrush upright and allow to air-dry.  If you store with another toothbrush, ensure they are separated, so there is no cross-contamination. 

Do not use containers to cover them.  When things are humid, they become more likely to develop unwanted bacteria than merely keeping the toothbrush outdoors. 

How Often Will a Family Dentist Say Change a Toothbrush

A toothbrush has a service life of about three to four months when it should then be replaced. If the bristles are frayed, this may be required earlier.  A worn toothbrush doesn't work as well to clean your teeth.

Choose a Soft Toothbrush

It doesn't matter whether your toothbrush is manual or electric, but what kind of bristles you use. Select a toothbrush with soft bristles, because using hard or medium bristles can damage your gums and tooth enamel. 

When you brush your teeth, don't shake them vigorously.  You can brush firmly enough to clean the film off your teeth. When you use fluoride toothpaste, it can do the rest of the work! 

Family Dentist in Chandler, AZ Supports Toothbrush Use

Even if you have an excellent oral hygiene program, it is still vital to go for 6-monthly checkups.

To be sure you are going to the best family dentist, be sure to contact Martin Dental direct or for a quick response, fill in the form below, and the staff will get back as fast as possible.



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